1st Chronicles Chapter 21 verse 14 Holy Bible

ASV 1stChronicles 21:14

So Jehovah sent a pestilence upon Israel; and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
read chapter 21 in ASV

BBE 1stChronicles 21:14

So the Lord sent disease on Israel, causing the death of seventy thousand men.
read chapter 21 in BBE

DARBY 1stChronicles 21:14

And Jehovah sent a pestilence upon Israel; and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
read chapter 21 in DARBY

KJV 1stChronicles 21:14

So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
read chapter 21 in KJV

WBT 1stChronicles 21:14

So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
read chapter 21 in WBT

WEB 1stChronicles 21:14

So Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel; and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
read chapter 21 in WEB

YLT 1stChronicles 21:14

And Jehovah giveth a pestilence in Israel, and there fall of Israel seventy thousand men,
read chapter 21 in YLT

Pulpit Commentary

Pulpit CommentaryVerse 14. - So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel. This sentence is followed in the parallel place by "from the morning even to the time appointed." It has been suggested that "the time appointed" may mean the time of the evening sacrifice, and that God shortened thus the three days to a short one day. There seems nothing sufficient to support the suggestion, unless it might lie in the "repenting" of the Lord, and his "staying" of the angel's hand, in ver. 15. There fell of Israel seventy thousand men. The whole number of Israel, including women, must have reached near to five millions. On this assumption, the sacrifice of life for Israel would be something like 14 per cent., or fourteen in the thousand.

Ellicott's Commentary

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(14-17) The Pestilence.(14) So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel.--So Samuel. The rest of our verse is abridged. From Samuel we learn that the plague raged throughout the land from dawn to the time of the evening sacrifice.